EU countries launch emergency plan to reduce gas consumption

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EU countries launch emergency plan to reduce gas consumption

The EU states have initiated the decision-making process for an emergency plan to curb gas consumption.

The EU states initiated the decision-making process for an emergency plan to curb gas consumption. At a special meeting of the ministers responsible for energy on Tuesday in Brussels, the necessary majority for the step came together, as confirmed by the Czech EU Council Presidency. The plan is primarily intended to reduce the risks that could arise from a complete disruption of Russian gas supplies. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) also took part in the Brussels meeting.

The previous proposal by the EU members stipulates that all member states reduce their consumption by at least 15 percent from August 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. In an emergency, the Commission wanted to enforce savings targets.

Exemptions for Certain States

However, this met with resistance, including from southern countries such as Spain and Italy. The regulation compromise agreed by the EU ambassadors therefore provides for numerous exceptions to the savings target. They concern countries in an island location such as Ireland, Cyprus or Malta, or with no connection to the interconnected grid such as Spain and Portugal. In addition, at the request of five member states, the EU countries should decide on the declaration of a gas emergency and not the Commission.

The ministers of Spain and Ireland expressed satisfaction with the compromise. Spanish Energy Minister Teresa Ribera called the compromise text “much more balanced”. Solidarity can vary between member states, she stressed. There is also no question of paying for Germany’s political mistakes, she said, referring to its dependence on Russian gas.


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