EU Council Presidency: “Overcoming the historic challenge” |


Status: 07/01/2022 05:05 a.m

The Czech Republic is taking over the EU Council Presidency for six months today. In an interview, Foreign Minister Lipavsky explains which topic is at the top of his country’s agenda – and what role Germany plays in it.

ARD: Europe and the world are stuck in a bundle of problems that all seem insoluble. Wouldn’t you have preferred to take over the EU Council Presidency at a different time?

Jan Lipavsky: The problems are solvable and it is up to us to work on the solutions. The Czech Republic is entering with a clear vision for Europe. We face challenges that affect the areas of security and economy, but also our moral attitude. And we are ready to help find the solutions through our presidency.

To person

Jan Lipavsky is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. He has been a member of the state parliament as a member of the Pirate Party since 2017.

Against the “right of the strongest”

ARD: If you had to single out one thing – what is the most important thing in the coming six months?

Lipavsky: Unfortunately, nothing other than the war in Ukraine. That must be ended. Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, for their state, for being part of the European community. It is our moral obligation to support them. The opposite would mean that the law of the strongest applies again in the world. That the violation of the UN charter prohibiting aggressive war be legitimized. The Czech EU Council Presidency wants to help strengthen cooperation in the EU so that we can face this historic challenge together.

ARD: EU membership aspired by Ukraine – how important is it?

Lipavsky: The question of EU enlargement is both a political and a practical question. Today, Ukrainians are literally fighting to the death to be part of the West, part of European civilization. They don’t want to be governed from Moscow. That’s what they fight for. It is therefore good that the European heads of government have agreed that Ukraine will be given candidate status.

“Nothing is more important than ending the war in Ukraine”: Jan Lipavsky, Czech Foreign Minister

7/1/2022 5:05 am

“Strengthening the foundations of the EU”

ARD: With the Charles Bridge, a bridge is the symbol of Prague. Do the Czechs also want to be bridge builders in the Council Presidency? Due to its size and location, does the Czech Republic have a special ability to bring the west and east of the EU together?

Lipavsky: The Charles Bridge has existed for seven centuries; and this because it rests on strong pillars and on firm foundations. The Czech Presidency will therefore work to strengthen the pillars and foundations on which the European community, our society and our civilization are based. These are principles like the ban on aggressive wars and humanitarian law that are there to prevent bestiality and mass murder in Europe. On these principles we can then build a larger building. But if we build a bridge just for the sake of the bridge, then it will soon collapse, such a structure cannot work. Today is really about the principles.

ARD: And do you also address these principles to countries like Hungary and Poland when there are problems?

Lipavsky: Poland has made significant progress on the rule of law. There were concessions on the part of the Polish government and on the other hand the EU Commission has also revised its position on a number of points. The situation has improved significantly. And the atmosphere has also changed in the Visegrad Group. There is no longer the Polish-Hungarian tandem, not in questions of the rule of law and not in politics towards Russia. But at the same time it must be said: Hungary, no matter what role it plays, is a full member of the EU. Hungary supported the sanctions packages and is also an active member of NATO – so let’s not make the differences bigger than they really are.

“Explain the reasons for inflation”

ARD: Inflation in the Czech Republic is 16 percent. Gas and electricity prices have exploded for many consumers. Do you see a risk that under this pressure people will turn away from the hitherto broad support for Ukraine? How much longer can the government take the population with it?

Lipavsky: There is only one cause of high inflation, and that is Vladimir Putin, who manipulated energy supplies to Europe, who unleashed the most terrible war on the European continent since the end of the Second World War, who allowed massacres to be carried out and entire cities destroyed, who caused a food crisis and throws the whole world into trouble. That has to be said and we have to explain it to the citizens. If we don’t support Ukraine, Russia will soon dictate how we have to live and we cannot accept that. We must not give up our values ​​and that is why I call on the other European states to actively engage in the maximum possible support for Ukraine. Because that is in the interest of the entire European continent.

ARD: Germany is the most populous and economically strongest country in the EU. Is it also taking on sufficient political leadership and responsibility, or would the European neighbors want more involvement?

Lipavsky: I would wish that Germany would be more active, that it would also use the capacities that it has – in terms of personnel, technology, know-how, finances. That this great capital and potential is available to support Ukraine. For Ukraine’s European future, for humanitarian aid, but also for military support, because unfortunately the war is waged with weapons. And the alternative to that is that the Ukrainians submit to Russia, and that cannot be in our interest. It cannot be our wish that Poland and Slovakia become Russia’s neighbors.

“Germany can do more”

ARD: Does that mean that, in your opinion, Germany has not yet done enough?

Lipavsky: Germany could give more. It does a lot, but it could do more. And above all, we should do more together. We should look for more solutions to the energy crisis and more ways to support Ukraine militarily. Unfortunately, Ukraine cannot defend itself without weapons.

ARD: There is a discussion: Should we talk to Putin or not? What is the position of the Czech Republic – and will you, as President of the Council of the European Union, be on the phone with Putin in the near future?

Lipavsky: What should we discuss with Putin? What should be the result of such talks? That doesn’t lead to anything. And most importantly, talks with Putin must not weaken our support for Ukraine and NATO’s eastern wing.

The interview was conducted by Danko Handrick, ARD Studio Prague

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