EU Commission: Social networks slow down in the fight against hate posts

EU commission
Social networks slow down in the fight against hate posts

The logos of the TikTok and Instagram apps can be seen on the screen of a smartphone. Photo: Fabian Sommer / dpa

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The fight against hatred and agitation on the Internet seems more important than ever. But social networks are apparently diminishing in their ambitions. According to the EU Commission, two platforms in particular are becoming more careless.

Social networks check more slowly and delete fewer hate postings than in previous years. This is the result of a study by the European Commission.

The IT companies checked an average of 81 percent of the reports within 24 hours and removed an average of 62.5 percent of the content, according to the analysis published on Thursday of an evaluation in cooperation with digital companies. Last year, according to the information, an average of more than 90 percent of the reports were checked within one day and, on average, a good 70 percent were deleted in 2019 and 2020.

The IT companies must take immediate action against any downward trend, demanded EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders. While some companies have improved according to the Commission, others have worsened. Youtube and Twitter responded a little faster, Facebook and Instagram noticeably slower.

The weak point at some corporations is the inadequate feedback on information from users. According to the analysis, sexual orientation insults are the most commonly reported reason for hate speech. This is followed by “xenophobia (including hatred of migrants)” and discrimination against Sinti and Roma. Anti-Semitism is in fourth place. Since 2016, the commission has been cooperating with companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Snapchat and others in a so-called code of conduct and evaluating the handling of hateful posts on the Internet.


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