EU: Commission recommends 90 percent fewer emissions by 2040

Commission recommends 90 percent fewer emissions by 2040

The EU Commission is today presenting a proposal for a Europe-wide climate target for 2040. photo

© Marcus Brandt/dpa

In the fight against the climate crisis, greenhouse gas emissions must be further reduced. There are already Europe-wide goals for 2030 and 2050. The EU Commission is now proposing an interim target by 2040.

In the fight against the climate crisis, greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are to be reduced by 2040 according to the will of the EU Commission will be drastically reduced. Today in Strasbourg the Brussels authority is presenting its recommendation for a climate target for 2040. According to a draft, the Commission is proposing to cut emissions by at least 90 percent by this year compared to 1990.

So far, the EU has set goals of reducing CO2 emissions by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 and becoming climate neutral by 2050. The “Fit for 55” legislative package under the umbrella of the so-called Green Deal is intended to ensure this. The strategy includes measures in various areas such as energy, transport, industry and agriculture. There is currently no interim target for 2040.

As can be seen from the draft, three target options for 2040 were examined. The consequences of reducing emissions by up to 80 percent compared to 1990 and by 85 to 90 percent were also analyzed. However, a reduction of 90 to 95 percent is the only option that corresponds to the recommendations of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change and does not jeopardize the EU’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, the draft said.

“Option 3 offers the EU the strongest climate action, which is needed more than ever to avoid irreversible tipping points with unknown and potentially catastrophic impacts on human society and ecosystems,” the authors wrote. The longer climate action is delayed, the higher the human and economic costs of climate change would be.

Renewable energies should continue to grow

In order to achieve the goal, according to the draft, renewable energies should, among other things, continue to grow and solid fossil fuels should be gradually reduced. According to the Commission’s recommendations, emissions should also be reduced in agriculture.

At the end of January, Germany and ten other countries called on the EU Commission to propose an ambitious climate target for 2040. “We can only convince others to get involved if we do the work at home,” it said in a joint letter.

In June, the Scientific Advisory Board voted to reduce EU emissions by 90 to 95 percent by 2040 compared to 1990. This reduction is crucial to mitigating climate risks. In their latest report in the middle of the month, the scientists wrote that more needed to be done to achieve the EU’s climate goals. They did recognize the potential of the Fit for 55 package. However, additional measures are essential.

Linda Kalcher from the Brussels think tank Strategic Perspectives sees great potential in the Commission’s proposal to “set the course for Europe as a business location.” The new EU climate protection target will enable better planning: “Around 80% less fossil energy should be used by 2040. This not only protects against sudden price increases or delivery failures, it also ensures that investments stay in Europe.”

CDU MEP Peter Liese said: “A 90 percent target for 2040 is really ambitious.” His Green counterpart Michael Bloss, on the other hand, wants a 95 percent reduction so that the EU can take a credible pioneering role in climate protection.

Environmentalists demand more than 90 percent

Silvia Pastorelli, Greenpeace’s EU climate chief, said EU countries were among the world’s biggest historical polluters. “It is painfully obvious that without an end to coal, oil and gas, the EU will not even achieve its own goals – the EU Commission must recognize that.” Instead, it looks like “we’re going to get a target that hides much smaller emissions reductions behind questionable accounting that relies on magic wands to make pollution go away.” Other environmentalists are also calling for a more ambitious goal than the 90 percent reduction.

The Commission’s stated target is not a legislative proposal, but rather a recommendation for a target for 2040 as the next step on the way to climate neutrality in accordance with the requirements of the EU climate law. This proposal should be presented within six months of the first global stocktaking of the Paris Agreement, which took place at the COP28 climate change conference in Dubai in December. After the European elections, it will be the task of the next EU Commission to present a legislative proposal to set the climate target for 2040. The elections will take place at the beginning of June. The EU environment ministers are likely to deal with the Commission’s recommendation in the coming months.

The Commission also wants to present a strategy for industrial carbon management this Tuesday. This also involves the controversial CO2 storage.


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