EU approves German plans: Extra funding for renewable energies

Status: 09/27/2022 1:25 p.m

Renewable energies are to be promoted more strongly in Germany. There is now support from Brussels: the federal government can support the expansion with additional funds.

The Federal Government may also provide additional funding for the expansion of solar systems and other renewable energies. The European Commission, which is responsible for ensuring compliance with competition rules in the EU, has approved such measures. According to the Brussels authority, these are necessary to expand renewable energy sources and reduce emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases.

Specifically, subsidies for solar systems on private roofs are to be expanded in order to feed additional electricity into the general grid. The EU Commission also approved additional state tenders for photovoltaic systems on open and roof areas and an adjustment of a market premium for electricity producers in the area of ​​innovation.

Massive expansion of renewables planned

The federal government recently launched numerous measures to promote the expansion of renewable energies. The possibilities for generating electricity, for example from solar systems and biogas, are to be expanded. In addition, the Federal Ministry of Economics wants to ensure that the transport capacity of the electricity grid is increased so that offshore lines and liquid gas plants can be better connected.

By 2030, at least 80 percent of gross German electricity consumption should come from renewable sources. It’s currently just under 50 percent.

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