Ether Staking Solution Lido DAO (LDO) Price Rises 30% in 1 Day

What is Lido DAO (LDO)?

Lido DAO (LDO) is a liquidity solution for staking (depositing a certain amount of crypto to participate in network transactions and receive payouts) of the Ethereum network. Become a transaction validator after Ethereum has switched to Proof of Stake (PoS) and they will receive daily rewards.

Lido DAO (LDO) price up 30% in 1 day

LDO investors will be delighted after the LDO price has risen by more than 30% in 1 day, the price has increased by more than 500% since June. Higher than before, possibly due to the fact that the Ethereum network will be upgraded in September.

The monthly chart shows that LDO has hit an intraday high of $2.40 after falling to $1.84. LDO has risen more than 30% within a day, showing signs of a bullish Lido DAO.

Bullish signal, LDO/USD daily chart from TradingView.

But if the LDO price breaks below the $1.91 support, it could push the LDO price further down to $1.43.

Bearish signal, LDO/USD daily chart from TradingView.

The Ethereum (ETH) price has been on the same level as LDO, with the price of Ether rising more than 90% since mid-June. Are you going to upgrade your network next month? Ether is currently priced at $1,659.12, up 2.73% over the past 24 hours. Reference information from CoinMarketCap

ETH/USD Daily Chart from CoinMarketCap

As you all know, Ethereum is currently in the testing phase of transitioning to a PoS network, and it was previously reported that lead Ethereum developer Tim Beiko was testing the integration of the testnet network as part of the Ethereum integration. Paving the way for Ethereum’s PoS implementation

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