Essen: car falls from the parking deck – two young people die

Accident car is investigated
Car crashes from the top parking deck in Essen – two young people die

The marked traces of the accident of the car with which a 16-year-old and a 19-year-old fell from the top deck of a parking garage in Essen

© David Young / Picture Alliance

A 16-year-old and a 19-year-old die when they fall with a car from the top deck of a multi-storey car park in Essen on Easter Sunday. The police suspect that they have made daring driving maneuvers above.

After a car fell from a parking garage in Essen with two fatalities, the police secured the wreck at night. On Easter Sunday, a 16-year-old and a 19-year-old died after falling 15 to 18 meters from the top deck of the parking garage. It is now being further investigated by forensics experts, said a police spokeswoman on Monday morning.

The investigators also want to use the wreckage and witness statements to clarify which of the two young men was behind the wheel. According to the police from the night, there is a suspicion that the car on the parking deck was used for driving maneuvers – and therefore shot through a railing.

Food: Traces lead in an arc to the abyss

Residents told a local dpa reporter on Monday that there was always trouble at the parking garage. Illegal parties are held on the top floor, and you can often hear tires squeaking at night. The police have also been called several times.

In the evening, the investigators had traced tracks on the top parking deck with neon yellow paint. They lead in an arc directly to the abyss. Down on the sidewalk where the car had landed, you could still see the traces of the fire brigade operation the following morning: The emergency services had collected oil and petrol with binding agents.

The young men crashed their car from the top floor of the multi-storey car park in the Borbeck district at around 7:20 p.m. on Easter Sunday. According to the fire brigade, the rescue workers removed parts of the vehicle roof with hydraulic equipment and found the young men in the “totally deformed vehicle” – neither of them responsive.

The victims were taken to a clinic with ongoing resuscitation, where only death could be determined, the fire brigade announced on Sunday evening. Eyewitnesses and family members who came to the scene of the accident received emergency pastoral care. The 19-year-old is said to come from the neighborhood. According to the fire department, the 16-year-old lived in Herne.


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