Espionage: North Korea informs Japan about satellite launch

North Korea informs Japan about satellite launch

North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong Un had announced that his country would launch three more reconnaissance satellites this year. Photo

© Uncredited/KCNA/KNS/dpa

North Korea had announced that it would launch more spy satellites into space to better monitor its enemies. Another launch is due to take place shortly.

North Korea plans to launch another satellite into space in the next few days. The leadership in Pyongyang has informed Japan that the launch of a carrier rocket with a satellite on board will take place by midnight on June 3 at the latest, reported the Japanese news agency Kyodo, citing the government in Tokyo. The coast guard has been given information about three danger zones in the sea into which debris from the rocket could fall. South Korea’s military recently spoke of signs that North Korea is preparing to launch a second military reconnaissance satellite at the Tongchangri space center in the northwest of the isolated country.

In response to the current announcement, according to Kyodo, government officials from Japan, the US and South Korea coordinated to urge North Korea to abandon the launch. The three countries and Australia had imposed new sanctions on North Korea for launching its first spy satellite in November. They accuse Pyongyang of using technology that is directly related to its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had announced that his country would launch three more reconnaissance satellites this year.

UN resolutions prohibit North Korea from launching or even testing ballistic missiles, including ICBMs. Depending on the design, such missiles can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. North Korea is largely isolated internationally because of its nuclear weapons and missile programs. South and North Korea are each developing their own satellites to better monitor each other. South Korea launched a second reconnaissance satellite into space in April.


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