Eric Zemmour receives an egg and the support of the RN mayor of Moissac

The far-right candidate Eric Zemmour recorded this Saturday the rallying of the mayor RN of Moissac, in the Tarn-et-GaronneRomain Lopez, a close friend of Marion Maréchal, during a trip to the South-West which started with an egg that a man slammed on his head.

“I have confidence in his approach. I join him quite naturally (…) I was not going to stay in a party which forgot what Marion brought, ”declared Romain Lopez, first councilor at the head of a large RN commune to join the candidate Reconquest !, during a press conference in his town hall alongside Eric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal.

Moissac is “a laboratory”

“I am still a member of the RN. I would not adhere to Reconquest! (…) I consider myself today as a DVD and more RN mayor, ”added Romain Lopez who harshly criticized the strategy of the RN and the absence of “internal democracy” of the party. Aged 33, Romain Lopez is the former parliamentary attaché of Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen.

“Romain is the embodiment of the local success of the national camp”, greeted Eric Zemmour. “A rally like yours is an important signal. Local elected officials who are with Eric (Zemmour) find themselves in this approach both of rallying to the right and of dismissing this famous sanitary cordon or in any case of weakening it, ”explained Marion Maréchal. Moissac is “a laboratory for what we are going to do at the national level”, had congratulated Eric Zemmour earlier, a few minutes after receiving an egg that a man slammed on his head when he arrived in Moissac.

“We see which side is the violence, there are people who do not support the democratic debate”, reacted the ex-polemicist after being welcomed at the town hall by Romain Lopez. Barely out of his car, Eric Zemmour was hit by a fresh egg that a middle-aged man slammed on his head. The author was immediately subdued by security and then taken away by the gendarmes. The far-right candidate must visit the cloister of the medieval abbey of Moissac before holding a meeting at 3 p.m. in Agen.

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