Eric Zemmour is not racist but “hysterizes the debate”, according to Gérard Larcher

Asked in the columns of the JDD on whether Eric Zemmour was racist, Gérard Larcher replied in the negative. President LR of the Senate, however, did not give a dead hand on the critics. “I don’t like his way of rewriting history. He hysterizes the debate. It divides, it fractures, whereas it is necessary to unite. According to the senator, “he is damaging the nation while he claims to rehabilitate it”, or “France cannot be: hate each other”.

However, Gérard Larcher considers that Eric Zemmour “addresses real questions”. For example, “our capacities for integration and assimilation are saturated”, proclaims the parliamentarian.

“An electoral phenomenon”

While Eric Zemmour is not declared a presidential candidate but is given by certain polls neck-to-neck with Marine Le Pen to win the second round, Gérard Larcher recognizes that he constitutes “an electoral phenomenon”.

“It is a mirror that millions of French people hold out to us, who reproach us for our renouncements, especially on the issue of migration, insecurity and identity,” he explains. In his eyes, “there would be neither Le Pen phenomenon nor Zemmour phenomenon if we had better dealt with these questions”.

Gérard Larcher pays tribute to the last president of the classic right to date: “When Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to open the debate on national identity, we wondered, me the first. But he was right ”.

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