Eric Zemmour accused of having let chant “Macron assassin” during his meeting this Sunday in Paris

Eric Zemmour, accused by part of the political class of having let the crowd chant “Macron assassin” during his meeting on Sunday in Paris, finally “condemned” these remarks aimed at the head of state, according to his entourage.

Scan a dozen times

The slogan was chanted on the Trocadero esplanade a dozen times after the candidate of Reconquête! said: “Some are indignant at my firmness. What makes me indignant are not the words and the concepts, it is the daily dramas that you undergo. What makes me indignant is that we will never give peace to Evelyne Reybert, mother of Julien, massacred “in Romans-sur-Isère. What makes me indignant is that we will never console the children of Sarah Halimi or Mireille Knoll. We will never do justice to all those whom the State has failed to protect”.

Eric Zemmour then paused in his speech as the cries rose, without however intervening. “He didn’t hear it” and “he condemns what the crowd said at the time”. “He does not take up the expression on his own account. He never used such a term and never implied it in his speech, ”said his entourage, questioned several times about this episode.

Words condemned

“E. Zemmour let a crowd cry Macron assassin. I strongly fight the outgoing president but letting an opponent be treated as a murderer is dangerous for the Republic”, had previously lamented Valérie Pécresse in a tweet.

“That’s definitely not right!” That’s not my France! “, added the candidate LR, while Eric Zemmour presented himself during his meeting as “the only right-wing candidate”. “It is a shame for democracy and the Republic to hear such remarks”, added the president of the deputies LR Damien Abad about the slogan heard.

Accused of “dividing the patriots”

From Guadeloupe where she is campaigning, Marine Le Pen, she felt that there was “a form of excess that responds to a form of excess”. “It’s a completely outrageous statement. It’s unfortunate. We have enough things to blame Emmanuel Macron for not to fall into this type of excess, ”she said. She also judged “unreasonable” on the part of her far-right competitor “to continue to divide the patriots”, criticizing a “headlong rush by Eric Zemmour who loses sight of the general interest, the higher interest from the country “.

In the presidential majority, the president of the LREM group in the National Assembly Christophe Castaner described as “irresponsible” the attitude of the candidate, who “let it go”. The former minister considered that he had even “demonstrated his presidential impediment this afternoon”. Former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who called for Emmanuel Macron to vote, expressed concern about the “level of voting intentions of the far right”, considering that “at the Trocadéro a new degree has been crossed” in ” the violence of speeches.

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