Eric Dupond-Moretti visiting, some of the judicial staff turn their backs on him

“It’s a very discourteous way to welcome the minister. Annoyed, Éric Dupond-Moretti threatened to turn on his heels. The Keeper of the Seals, who was visiting Lyon on Tuesday, was greeted quite coldly by some of the court staff, in particular “angry” clerks who told him ostensibly turned their backs. “If you want me to go, stay like that,” he told them.

The minister came to set up a users’ committee. As soon as he entered Room C of the courthouse, court workers turned around, some holding up signs that read: “The accounts are not good” or “the clerks deserve better”.

“Your pay scale is a disgrace”

After several minutes of hesitation, the meeting was finally able to take place, with discussions. “You are dealing with an exhausted clerk. We are no longer able to hold on,” said one of them.

“Justice is nothing without us, your (remuneration) grid is a shame”, launched another to applause, referring to the 45 euros gross increase announced.

“The conditions of justice have been improved since I became a minister”, replied Éric Dupond-Moretti, announcing the hiring of 9 magistrates, 4 magistrates of the prosecution, 11 clerks, 18 administrative assistants, and 92 contract workers for the jurisdiction of the Lyon court by the end of the year.

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