Eric Ciotti offers a “choice” between the retirement age and the contribution period

In order to “save our pay-as-you-go system”, Eric Ciotti, candidate for the presidency of LR, advocated a pension reform with two sliders on Saturday, leaving the choice between a departure at 65 or the extension of the contribution period of 43 to 45 years old. “I propose an intermediate system and I leave the freedom to the future retiree to choose the system which is most favorable to him”, advanced in an interview with the Parisian the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, who had so far spoken in favor of a postponement of the legal age to 65 years.

“For those who started working very early, the contribution period slider will be the most favorable. But someone who started late has an interest in playing on the slider of the legal age at 65,” he defended, pleading for the abolition of special regimes for entrants and for “compensatory measures for hardest jobs. “The counterpart is that no one will receive pensions below the minimum wage,” said the deputy, saying he was also in favor “for the French who want a dose of capitalization”.

LR divided on the question of pensions

A pension reform, to which the government should devote a bill in early 2023, is a regular demand from the right, but its perimeter divides the candidates for the presidency of the party. The boss of senators LR Bruno Retailleau is in favor of postponing the legal age to at least 64, the end of special schemes and “new rights” to take into account the hardship, long careers and revalue small pensions. The secretary general of the party, Aurélien Pradié, for his part advocates a reform providing for the calculation of pensions “according to the number of years worked”, without raising the retirement age.

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