Erdinger residential complex not only for civil servants – Erding

A field behind the Weißbräu brewery on Anton-Bruckner-Straße has already made headlines. Under the premise that a facility for employees of federal and state authorities would be built here, the city, with stomach ache, had made residential development possible. But nothing has come of it so far. Now the investor is making a new attempt. The group of tenants is to be expanded, including for students, single pensioners or municipal employees. It was precisely the latter argument that drew a lot of attention in the urban development committee. After a lengthy debate, the panel gave the green light with one dissenting vote.

The construction project has stumbled a few times. In 2013, the Dorfen investor Georg Scharl applied for the approval of a federal policeman block of flats with 120 to 148 “service accommodations” and training rooms and this was approved by the Erdinger city council. However, it turned out that there was no correspondingly high demand for the planned single room apartments at the time. In 2018, the development plan was revised again at the request of the investor. Now civil servants and employees of state authorities were added as possible short-term tenants. Nothing has been built to date, but the entrepreneur has already built the access road.

And now on Tuesday: the next change. Now the “smallest” apartments with a maximum size of 23 square meters are also “single households such as students, single pensioners, etc.” can be offered.

Some are “more than amazed” by the “approach” of the investor

Max Gotz (CSU) initially pointed out in the committee that building law and planning permission already existed for the project. Namely “in a spot where we would otherwise never have agreed to a decision to set up”. He also knows that some are “more than amazed” by the investor’s “approach”. Criticism was certainly leveled in the urban development committee and the fear – not at all unreasonable – that there would be further requests for change in the future. The development plan should not be “opened up” again, as Burkhard Köppen (CSU) put it.

The information from Mayor Gotz that the investor had offered occupancy rights for municipal employees met with great interest. Stefan Grabrucker (SPD), teacher at the Korbinian-Aigner-Gymnasium Erding, referred to the trainee teachers who would be transferred to the Erdinger school from all over Bavaria – for a limited period of time and looking for a small, and therefore affordable Apartment. 2. Mayor Petra Bauernfeind (free voters) emphasized that the city had to “legally secure” the occupancy rights offered to public servants. He doesn’t like the way the project has gone so far, said Thomas Schmidbauer (Erding Now), but he can “follow the path” in view of the municipal occupancy rights.

Development plan no. 220 “Special area for federal and state authorities” must be changed

Ludwig Kirmair (CSU), in turn, pointed out that “it’s not about changing the development, but about changing the occupancy”. For this purpose, however, development plan no. 220 “Special area for federal and state authorities” must be changed as part of a so-called “project-related development plan”. A special case that can only be realized in the case of a project that has already been precisely outlined, if the applicant submits all the plans for the development and development. In contrast to a “normal” development plan, the investor has no more leeway when making decisions.

City Councilor Thomas Bauer (CSU) explained that it would have been easier for him to make a decision if there had been “more concrete proposals” for the occupancy rights or the targeted rental prices. He was the only one who voted against the installation decision, with which the project can now be pursued further.

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