“Erasmus students in wheelchairs are not common in the streets”

On the winding path of student life, the year abroad presents itself as an initiation rite. Before departure, all the promises are made: extraordinary encounters, new friendships, unforgettable parties, a total change of scenery… On return, everyone seeks to prove the value of their experience. Who will have the best anecdote to tell?

The race for the most exciting Erasmus is sometimes frantic. In the stories we tell about it, this year is akin to a real coming-of-age novel. What is it really? Through intimate stories, Génération Erasmus tells pieces of life, of youth, of unexpected turns taken thanks to this year spent abroad.

On the occasion of Erasmus Days which take place from October 9 to 14, 2023, Tristan, who has had a disability since the age of one, tells us in this podcast his experience abroad in Sweden. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, in 2021, 51,000 students with disabilities are recorded in public higher education establishments, or 2.2% of the student population.

This constantly increasing population raises the question of the inclusion of these young people in European exchange programs. This results in the need for measures to support these students with specific needs. Suffering from myopathy, the organization of this trip was certainly more intense for Tristan than for other students, he explains in detail in this podcast. However, there, he managed to live out his six months without difficulty, and to take up the challenge he had set for himself.

“Generation Erasmus” is a summer podcast series “Summer in your ears”. You can listen to all the episodes of this series on 20minutes.fr or on your favorite listening platform or app, Deezer, Spotify, Apple Podcasts…

If you too have experienced an Erasmus that changed your life, do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected], to share your story with us!

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