ER of all people admits: “Brexit has failed” | politics

This admission hits his fans like a punch in the stomach!

The head of the Brexit campaign – alongside ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson – admitted on British TV that leaving the EU has so far brought more disadvantages than advantages. The Brexit had “failed,” said Nigel Farage (59), ex-head of the “Brexit Party” and formerly of the British independence party Ukip.

Faced with the latest economic data, Farage (nicknamed “Brexsack” for his dirty anti-EU campaign) on the BBC’s Newsnight program admitted that Britain has not yet benefited economically from leaving the European Union. The politicians in the government are to blame for this.

Farage literally: “Unfortunately, what Brexit has proved is that our politicians are just as useless as the commissioners in Brussels. We went about it the wrong way.”

“Very, very disappointed”

In this context, Farage criticized his former comrade-in-arms Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party, which is still in government: “We didn’t make Brexit and the Tories disappointed us very, very much”.

Background: The British economy has struggled to recover from the triple shock of the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the turmoil caused by Britain’s exit from the EU.

Economic organization OECD forecasts that UK GDP growth will be the second-worst among major economies after Russia, first reported “Politico” (belongs to Axel Springer like BILD).

Like his role model and sponsor Donald Trump (right), Farage is working on a political comeback

Photo: Andrew Milligan/dpa

According to experts quoted by the British “Independent”, British gross domestic product – i.e. economic output – would be 4 percent higher today if the British had NOT left the EU.

Farage also accused the current government of not having regained control of the borders, as he had promised in the run-up to the Brexit vote. On the contrary: immigration figures are at a record high.

Asked if he was considering a political comeback to address the government’s failure on Brexit, Farage replied: “Well, I wouldn’t rule it out. It’s not high on my list, but frankly we haven’t gotten anywhere on the borders or on Brexit.”

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