EquitiesFirst owes Celsius $439 million: Financial Times reports.

EquitiesFirst The financial firm known for its cash lending and stock holdings owes cryptocurrency lender Celsius $439 million.

according to reportsof the Financial Times Addressing two people familiar with the matter, it said the “private lending platform” identified by Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing on Thursday was: EquitiesFirst

The court’s complaint stated that The relationship between the two companies initially came from an agreement that Celsius became the borrower in 2019.

In July 2021 Celsius attempted to repay the loan and reclaim the collateral. but was told that it would not be possible. then became EquitiesFirst owes Celsius, according to reports, while continuing to pay off. But it still has $439 million in outstanding balance, consisting of 3,765 bitcoin and $361 million in cash.

“EquitiesFirst are in ongoing conversations with our customers. and both sides have agreed to extend our obligations,” an EquitiesFirst spokesperson told the FT.

Current EquitiesFirst It’s reimbursing $5 million per month.

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