Epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics coach and epigenetics training

“The next big thing” in human design:

  1. online gene diagnostics and DNA diagnostics for everyone
  2. the transformation of medicine and healthcare with AI
  3. Immune system technology design

All of this is encompassed by epigenetics. Bio-hacking: no wonder it’s booming!

Epigenetics – what is it?

Epigenetics is an acronym composed of the words Genetics and Epigenesis. In biology, epigenesis is the development of new sustainable structures from unformed matter during the development of a living being. These structures can be negative, such as physiological changes following trauma or crisis, or positive, such as regular mediation or the relaxation of brain activity to classical music.

epigeneticist examine, analyze, research and diagnose these changes and are usually biologists, medical scientists or geneticists. Epigenetics is a young but now widely recognized holistic approach in science. The transitions to esotericism and shamanism are of course fluid.

The Epigenetics Coach in contrast to the epigeneticist, intervenes to change:

  1. preventive (i.e. preventative) to prevent negative environmental influences from becoming physiological in the first place or
  2. curative (thus retrospectively) in order to “regulate” adverse changes.

Emotional resilience, a better quality of life and higher life energy are promised.

Since coaching and coach are not protected terms, anyone without training can call themselves an epigenetics coach and do epigenetics coaching. And: Anyone can Training as an epigenetics coach offer.

In the combination with coaching there are therefore special risks for epigenetics.

But be careful: The hype about epigenetics and human design is used to find quick business via the unregulated coaching industry:

Training is provided by private individuals and private institutes such as HealVersity around Dr. Manuel Burzler to large companies from the speaker scene such as Greator around Dr. Stefan Fädrich offered. Physicians and doctors who, together with a strong marketing and sales team, pass on their medical knowledge, but have no certified and trained coaches and certainly no accredited coach trainers with them. There is a (not state-certified) transfer of knowledge in epigenetics, mostly in 6-month online courses. That’s not a problem.

It becomes problematic when these graduates offer and sell epigenetics and coaching on the market:

They have not learned coaching, do not know the requirements of quality coaching, ethical standards and the coaching market. So they usually offer “advice and treatment” and knowledge transfer on epigenetics with the misleading label “coaching”. Can you do that? Is not forbidden.

However, epigenetic counseling and treatment is always difficult if the necessary knowledge base is missing from state-certified medical training. Due to the danger to life and limb, the legislature only allows medical advice and treatment by state-trained, tested, licensed and liability-insured persons. The same applies to the discussion about psychologists, naturopaths and nutritionists that has been going on for decades.

But as an epigeneticist you will (the trainers promise)

  1. affect biochemistry and biofeedback
  2. regulate the vitamin D balance
  3. intervene in nutrition and intestinal balance
  4. work on transgenerational trauma transmissions

i.e. intervene in physiological and psychological areas of the human body that are typically reserved for doctors and psychologists – as a medical layman. It is true that coaching is not alien to medicine: medical coaching or so-called medical coaching is used, for example, to accompany cancer therapies in order to select the best individual treatment method. However, this is only practiced by doctors who also have coaching training!

If you advise and treat as an epigenetics coach in this area without state approval, you not only risk liability claims and a professional ban, but also make yourself liable to prosecution.

Above all, good legal clarification and protection are required here.

Finally, a word about the “trust-inspiring” certifications, recognitions and accreditations of these “Epigenetics Coaching” training courses:

Only accreditation by an independent body for quality coaching can assess whether and how coaching is taught here, for example one of the large coaching associations such as the DBVC, EMCC or ICF.

That judges neither

  • ISO, IHK and Chamber of Commerce (these only check the training process such as access to study documents),
  • nor the German Society for Natural Medicine, Functional Medicine and Epigenetics or medical universities (these only check the transfer of medical knowledge) or
  • the professional association for trainers (BDVT) (this checks the didactic training quality)


Epigenetics may be “the next big thing” and rightly so, because it covers three subject areas for human design.

The following applies to you as an epigenetics customer:

Whenever epigenetics is not practiced by medical professionals, all risks are solely on your side!

For you who are interested in epigenetics:

Discover this new world for yourself. However, question providers who promise you could become a medical professional with a 6-month online training course, namely as a geneticist, biologist and medical coach.

That was your legal tip of the week from Legal Coach!

Do you have questions about your contract, your course? Then get in touch for a non-binding initial consultation www.Kanzlei-Tutschka.de.

Also read my article on online coaching!

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