Epic Game CEO Reiterates NFT Ban, Reiterating Developers “Should Have Freedom to Create Games”

Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney said his company “absolutely does not follow Minecraft in banning NFT tokens.”

After yesterday, Minecraft developer Mojang Studios banned NFTs in the game, believing that NFT speculation, coupled with the scarcity and risk of NFT-related scams, is against the principles of the game.

However, Epic Games, creator of the wildly successful Battle Royale game Fortnite, says the company doesn’t want to force any ideas on this point:

“Developers should be free to decide how to build their games. And you are free to decide whether to play that game or not. We believe that the store and the manufacturer of the operating system You should not interfere by putting your own point of view on others. We definitely won’t do that.”

The NFT ban by Mojang Studios leaves a project called “NFT Worlds” with a huge problem to be solved. Because it is built on one of Minecraft’s open source servers.

Following the Mojang announcement, the NFT Worlds team stated that they are currently looking for The team said it was working to reach out to Minecraft to see if a possible solution could be found. otherwise it will be set “Minecraft-like game engine” or GameFi platform are possible options.

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