Enzo (Slam) reacts to the departure of Cyril Féraud and his arrival in Everyone wants to take their place

INTERVIEW. This Saturday, April 27, Cyril Féraud announced his departure as head of the game Slam. Near Tele-Leisureits emblematic champion Enzo reacted exclusively.

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Surprise ! This Saturday, April 27, Cyril Féraud announced that he was leaving the presentation of Slam For Everyone wants to take its place after Jarry’s departure from the France 2 midday game, scheduled for the end of the season. On the air on the program for 16 years, the host explained to our colleagues at Parisian: “The management of France Télévisions made me this proposal a few days ago, and I asked them for forty-eight hours to think about it. But I quickly knew that I really wanted it because I like news adventures and this one is particularly beautiful”. Enzo, the biggest winner of Slamwith whom Cyril Féraud has established a wonderful bond, reacted to Télé-Loisirs.

Enzo explains how Cyril Féraud contributed to the success of Slam : “He had this complicity with the candidates”

Tele-Leisure : How did you learn of Cyril Féraud’s departure?
I learned about it on Saturday afternoon in the press.

Did this announcement surprise you?
Not just a little! When we animated Slam for so many years, it’s difficult to associate Slam to someone else. Strictly speaking, Thierry Beccaro but that was at the very beginning (he presented Slam in 2009, editor’s note).

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Did this also sadden you as the game’s greatest champion?
A little bit, because it’s been two and a half years since I started filming. I will wish his successor good luck because It’s not going to be easy to arrive just after Cyril. He had this complicity with the candidates, and managed to put them at ease. This must have played a role in the success of the show in addition to the gimmicks he had brought: the Marguerite, 4 “I” It’s finish…

Did Enzo contact Cyril Féraud after the announcement of his departure from Slam ? He answers us

Did you contact him after this announcement?
I took the trouble to send him a message that same evening to thank him for his years spent hosting Slam and I wished him good luck Everyone wants to take its place. He thanked me and he told me that I will remain his greatest champion for life. I have a little trouble with emotions but it did a little something for me.

Do you plan to stay in touch?
I’ll try. Since filming the second Champions Quiz, I have his number. I have already contacted him to wish him his birthday and the holidays. I also sent him a joke following the last one Champions Quiz where I wasn’t. The opportunity to see us again will surely be during this show.

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Who do you see to replace Cyril Féraud?
I tell myself that everything is possible. I don’t know who it would be but I’m sure whoever it is will do well.

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