Environmentalist elected officials want a “Car-Free Paris” operation

15 million visitors are expected at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024. A significant flow which raises the question of the management of public space and public transport. The elected environmentalists of the Paris Council expressed the wish for a “Car-free Paris” operation over a period of 6 weeks running from the opening of the Olympic Games to the closing of the Paralympic Games, according to BFM Paris Île-de-France. The elected environmentalists have submitted a text this Thursday by Sylvain Raifaud, Frédéric Badina-Serpette and Fatoumata Koné.

In this text, the elected representatives of the group The ecologists propose to reiterate the objective of 10% of trips made by bicycle during the Games and the need to create temporary parking spaces. They are also asking the Board of Directors of Île-de-France Mobilité for free public transport over this same period. These proposals would facilitate difficult travel caused by the arrival of tourists in the capital, according to elected environmentalists.

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