Environmental aid initiative: plenty of room for improvement with plastic waste

Status: 08/12/2021 7:31 p.m.

A year ago, the German Environmental Aid launched the “Plastic-Free Cities” campaign and asked 130 cities and districts about their measures to combat plastic waste. The balance sheet is mixed.

By Katharina Kaufmann, ARD capital studio

Right at the beginning of the presentation of her interim report, Barbara Metz, Deputy Federal Managing Director of Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), made one thing clear: From her point of view, the problem of disposable waste is not only one that has to be solved for climate protection reasons, but also for economic reasons.

Germany produces most of the packaging waste in Europe

Griet von Petersdorff, RBB, Tagesschau 12:00 p.m., August 12, 2021

According to her, cities and municipalities pay 720 million euros per year for the removal of to-go cups, disposable dishes and bottles on streets, sidewalks, public places and parks.

The pandemic created even more rubbish

The corona pandemic has exacerbated the situation: “Of course, also because the consumption outside the home – that is, the food and drinks that were consumed outside of the catering trade – has increased significantly again. We have a problem here that is getting bigger and bigger will “, so Metz.

But which cities and districts are already doing something to tackle the waste problem? The DUH had drawn up a five-point plan last September and asked nationwide which of the proposals for action were already being implemented.

Offices should be role models

Metz explains the five points: “Firstly, the promotion of reusable systems in the catering industry. Secondly, we want a local packaging tax to be imposed on to-go packaging. Thirdly, the authorities should set a good example by prohibiting one-way packaging for all public institutions “said Metz. “A reusable requirement should also apply at all public events. And of course you have to make sure that a consistent enforcement of mandatory deposits on single-use plastic bottles and cans is actually enforced.”

“Sobering feedback”

How consumers with a lower salary should afford the higher costs through a tax on single-use plastic was not discussed any further, but instead presented the feedback on the campaign. This was sobering. More than a third of the cities and districts would not have reacted at all or continue to rely on single-use plastic. However, around half are on the right track. The city of Bamberg would have stood out in particular.

Bamberg is leading the way

Karin Köberlein from the Climate and Environment Office in Bamberg explained: “Of course we won’t get a 100% plastic-free city, but it’s about attitude and motivation and conviction.”

The city has come up with a number of campaigns, including the “Once without, please” initiative. “Stickers were developed that said ‘One time without, please’ – and every restaurant that gives out to-go cups, for example, could then put this sticker on their door,” says Köberlein. “When a customer sees that, he knows: I can bring my to-go container with me in this shop and get sausage and cheese and my coffee in the to-go container I brought with me.”

Legal dispute with McDonalds in Tübingen

Elsewhere, for example in Leverkusen, Potsdam or Dresden, the DUH had to discover that almost nothing has been done about plastic waste, according to Metz. In Baden-Württemberg, she also observed a legal dispute with McDonalds with concern. The fast food company is currently taking legal action against the city of Tübingen’s plans to introduce a consumption tax on one-way to-go packaging.

“Of course, McDonalds wants to avoid Tübingen setting a precedent at all costs and attracting many copycat cities across the country, which then also levy this to-go packaging tax,” said Metz.

The DUH now wants to take action against the company with a petition. It sees itself as an organization that fights for environmental protection and consumer interests – as a non-profit association. However, it is precisely this public benefit that has been repeatedly called into question in the past.

Plastic waste: From role models and deterrent examples

Katharina Kaufmann, NDR, August 12, 2021 3:13 p.m.

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