Environment Minister: Kill problem wolves faster

As of: December 1st, 2023 2:17 p.m

The federal and state environmental ministers have agreed on new rules for dealing with problematic wolves. Federal Environment Minister Lemke spoke of a “sign of reconciliation”.

Problematic wolves that have overcome protective fences and killed livestock will in future be able to be killed more quickly than before. The federal and state environment ministers agreed on this at a two-day meeting. A breakthrough had been achieved, said the North Rhine-Westphalian Environment Minister Oliver Krischer (Greens) as chairman of the conference at its conclusion.

The federal states should designate certain regions with increased wolf attacks. Unlike before, a DNA analysis will not have to be carried out before a wolf has overcome protective measures and killed livestock.

Herd protection crucial

Herd protection is crucial for ensuring that there is as little conflict as possible between grazing livestock and wolf populations, said Krischer. “We also need a more practical and legally secure approach nationwide to remove individual wolves with behavioral problems.”

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) had already presented the proposals that have now been accepted in October. She emphasized that these were also compatible with EU law. The approach to problematic wolves is also a sign of reconciliation in order to pacify the social conflict, said Lemke. Livestock owners and farmers had called for further measures.

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