Environment: Germany misses the collection target for electronic waste

Germany misses the collection target for electronic waste

In the next year, disposing of electronic waste will be easier. Photo: Marcel Kusch / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

65 percent is the minimum collection target for electronic waste. But Germany is still a long way from that.

According to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany clearly missed the collection target for electronic waste in 2019.

A total of 947,067 tons of old electrical appliances were collected by municipalities, dealers and manufacturers in Germany, according to an evaluation by the UBA. This corresponds to a collection rate of 44.3 percent. The minimum collection target of 65 percent, which has been in force in all EU countries since 2019, was clearly missed.

The Federal Environment Agency hopes for improvement through the amended Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), which will come into force in 2022. «The changes are an important step. For example, from July 1, 2022, food discounters are also to take back used electrical appliances – this means that old appliances can be disposed of close to the consumer and at the same time as the weekly shopping, “said UBA President Dirk Messner.

Retailers, manufacturers and municipalities would have to get more involved and further improve the collection and return options, for example through more accessible recycling centers or more flexible acceptance times, he demanded: “Too many old devices are still being disposed of off the beaten track.”

Better information for consumers is also important. “Too many old devices are still not disposed of correctly: Small old devices such as electric toothbrushes or alarm clocks often end up in the general waste or are disposed of with packaging waste. Or they remain in drawers and basements without being disposed of, ”complained the Federal Environment Agency. At the same time, the amount of new electrical appliances is increasing steadily and significantly.


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