Entry and property freezes: EU continues to put pressure on Iran

As of: 02/20/2023 6:03 p.m

The EU has imposed new sanctions on Iran. A total of two institutions and 32 people are affected, including the culture and education ministers. They are accused of serious human rights violations.

The EU foreign ministers have decided on new punitive measures because of the serious violations of human rights in Iran. 32 people and two organizations are affected. This emerges from the EU Official Journal.

In addition to judges, prosecutors and prison directors, the Iranian Minister of Culture Mohammed-Mehdi Esmaeili and the Iranian Minister of Education Yousef Nouri were also put on the sanctions list. Among other things, Nouri is held responsible for the arbitrary arrest of students.

According to the EU, numerous Iranian musicians, filmmakers, other artists and journalists were threatened, arrested and prosecuted on flimsy charges under Esmaeili’s responsibility. Judges and prosecutors are held particularly responsible for death sentences against demonstrators.

The EU also holds Education Minister Nouri responsible for the suppression of freedom of expression and the recent series of executions in Iran.

Image: picture alliance / ZUMAPRESS.com

Goal: release of those arrested

The punitive measures envisage freezing assets held in the EU. In addition, those affected are no longer allowed to travel to the EU.

The aim of the new sanctions is for those arrested in Iran who had previously protested peacefully to be released, explained Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn on the sidelines of the EU meeting at which the sanctions were decided: “It is the Iranians’ right to walk the streets and dress the way they want.” A total of 196 people and 33 institutions are now affected by the EU sanctions.

protests since September

The protests in Iran began after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. The Kurd died in police custody on September 16. The so-called vice police arrested her because she is said to have worn her headscarf incorrectly.

Mahsa Amini died after being arrested in September 2022.

Image: AP

The protests developed into the greatest challenge for the leadership in Tehran since the Islamic Republic came into existence after the revolution and the overthrow of the Shah in 1979. Numerous demonstrators were arrested and several sentenced to death.

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