Entertainer: Thomas Gottschalk no longer wants to nag about reality TV

Thomas Gottschalk no longer wants to nag about reality TV

Thomas Gottschalk says what he thinks. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The 72-year-old is open about what some viewers may think, especially older ones. But he doesn’t want to be perceived as a jealous complainer.

TV presenter Thomas Gottschalk wants to be more discreet about his skepticism about reality TV in the future. “I have to stop trying to constantly evaluate the so-called new television,” said the 72-year-old in a “Bunte” interview (issue 18/2023) in Baden-Baden. “It’s no use getting upset about guys with big muscles but little brains who are tattooed all over, and gossip about young women I can’t tell apart because they’ve all been to the same plastic surgeon. It annoys me only and come off as a grudging grumbler.”

Gottschalk continues: “Nor do older viewers let me make their sluggish soaps mad. When I took over from Frank Elstner, most viewers wanted him back immediately. New things are never easy at first.”


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