Enormous range – Daimler presents electric car – Economy

Mercedes-Benz has presented a new electric research car with high energy efficiency. The Vision EQXX can travel more than 1000 kilometers on a single battery charge in normal road traffic, said Daimler board member Markus Schäfer. Components and technical details of the car could be seen in future production vehicles in two to three years. Daimler CEO Ola Källenius said the research vehicle shows “how we imagine the future of the electric car”. It has a battery that would fit in a small car. Meanwhile, according to Markus Schäfer, the shortage of semiconductors will persist in the first half of 2022. However, the situation could possibly ease somewhat in the second half of the year. The shortage of semiconductors and other electronic components is a problem for the entire automotive industry and has already led to production restrictions at several manufacturers.

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