Energy money: Merz: Focus on relieving low earners

energy money
Merz: Focus on relieving low earners

CDU leader Friedrich Merz calls for more relief for poor people. photo

© Michael Kappeler/dpa

The state cannot help everyone, CDU leader Merz believes. He therefore wants to work particularly hard for people with low incomes.

The CDU chairman Friedrich Merz called for a clearer focus on low earners in the relief discussion – and less help for households with medium or high incomes. “1,000 euros in energy money for the incomes in the lower third would make more sense than 300 euros for everyone,” he told “Focus” and “Focus Online”.

“I also don’t understand why large companies get financial support per se, but small ones don’t. There must be clear criteria here as to who has what entitlement.” Merz, who also heads the parliamentary group, added: “But the fact is that the state cannot help everyone.” And: “In this crisis we will see companies that don’t make it. And we cannot promise to balance everything out of the federal budget.”

Due to the sharp rise in energy and food prices, the federal government is currently working on another relief package. On Tuesday and Wednesday she will advise at a cabinet retreat in the guest house Schloss Meseberg north of Berlin. According to information from the coalition parties, new relief steps are to be presented “soon” (Green Party leader Ricarda Lang) or “in a few days” (SPD Secretary General Kevin Kühnert).


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