Energy: Michel: Sooner or later there will also be sanctions for oil and gas

Michel: Sooner or later there will also be sanctions for oil and gas

«I think that action on oil or even gas will be needed sooner or later»: Charles Michel. Photo: Dario Pignatelli/European Council/dpa

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After the proposal for an EU import ban on coal from Russia, EU Council President Charles Michel also assumes that an oil and gas ban could also come.

In his own words, EU Council President Charles Michel expects that imports of oil and gas from Russia to the European Union could also be restricted.

“I think that action on oil or even gas will be needed sooner or later,” said the Belgian in the Strasbourg European Parliament. The EU must become independent of Russian energy as quickly as possible. The EU Commission had already proposed a ban on imports of coal from Russia yesterday, which the member states now have to decide on.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also called for further cuts. “We’ve banned coal now, but now we have to look at oil and also at the revenue Russia is making from fossil fuels,” she said. Russia’s revenues from fossil fuels must be curtailed. “That must have an end.”

Barley thinks stopping gas imports will be difficult

The Vice-President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley, also expects an EU ban on oil imports from Russia. The SPD politician said this in the ZDF morning magazine. When asked if the EU Commission’s proposed embargo on Russian coal would come, she replied: “I’m sure it will, and probably more in the foreseeable future.” She added: “Oil will also come relatively quickly, I think.”

Banning Russian gas imports, on the other hand, would be difficult, Barley said. This would not only have a problem in Germany, but also in other countries. Some then expected to be caught by Germany – the European Union’s largest economy. “It’s a bit of a weird discussion,” Barley added.

The EU parliamentarian also expects further arms deliveries from the EU to Ukraine. Corresponding lists would not be publicly communicated. “But the important thing is that it has to be quick,” said Barley. Ukraine needs the guns now.


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