Energy: Klingbeil: Decision on industrial electricity price by December

Klingbeil: Decision on industrial electricity price by December

The SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil criticized the traffic light dispute. photo

© Jens Büttner/dpa

On the subject of industrial electricity prices, the SPD leader is hoping for a result soon. He wants to convince critics of the plan, including the chancellor. There could be new trouble in the coalition.

For deciding on a government-subsidized According to SPD leader Lars Klingbeil, the traffic light government has until December 1st to set the industrial electricity price. The Bundestag will then decide on the 2024 budget based on the current status.

“That is the clarification point, until then we have a certainty whether the industrial electricity price will come,” said Klingbeil at “RND on site” in Lüneburg, an event of the editorial network Germany.

New trouble in the traffic light coalition

Klingbeil again spoke out clearly in favor of an industrial electricity price, which Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) sees skeptically. “I now intend to convince those who are still skeptical,” said Klingbeil, also with a view to Scholz. At the same time, he warned of new trouble in the traffic light coalition. “I don’t need a loud argument,” he emphasized.

Yesterday, the executive SPD parliamentary group leader decided on a concept for an industrial electricity price of five cents per kilowatt hour, initially limited to five years.

Call for more discipline

Next Monday, the entire parliamentary group is to decide on this in the presence of the chancellor at a closed conference in Wiesbaden. In the traffic light coalition, the FDP is against state aid to lower electricity prices for certain companies, the Greens are in favor.

Klingbeil once again called on the coalition to be disciplined. You can have different opinions, he said. But “the way that sometimes goes into the hurtful does not help all parties in the traffic light to be better off alone.”


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