Energy crisis: Uniper takeover fuels debate on gas surcharge

Status: 09/21/2022 05:29 am

Germany’s largest gas importer Uniper is in trouble – now the signs point to nationalization of the energy company. What does this mean for the planned state gas surcharge?

A nationalization of the energy company Uniper is apparently imminent. Recently, there have been growing indications that the ailing gas importer will be taken over by the federal government. Meanwhile, the debate on the state gas surcharge continues.

A new stabilization package provides for the federal government to buy the Uniper shares currently held by the Finnish energy group Fortum, as Germany’s largest gas importer announced.

“As a result, it is intended that the federal government will receive a significant majority stake in Uniper,” it said. Accordingly, a capital increase of eight billion euros is also planned, which is to be subscribed exclusively by the federal government.

At the same time, the group emphasized that a final agreement had not yet been concluded. One is still in final talks with the federal government and Fortum. The Finnish group currently holds almost 78 percent of Uniper. Nothing was known about the possible purchase price.

Gas importer Uniper is about to be nationalized

Sebastian Deliga, ARD Berlin, daily topics 10:15 p.m., September 20, 2022

Gas allocation before the end?

The deputy chairman of the Union parliamentary group, Jens Spahn, welcomed the forthcoming nationalization – but there was a need for clarity about the costs and the role of the Finnish major shareholder. Spahn said on the Welt television channel: “We would like to see the billions that have been spent on Uniper in the meantime. And one thing is also pretty clear: the gas levy is no longer needed, if it’s a state-owned company, then it should be the state there, for example, can secure gas supplies with guarantees, but not burden the citizens additionally. The gas surcharge should be abolished. That is clear now at the latest.”

According to the energy and climate policy spokesman for the Union faction, Andreas Jung (CDU), the surcharge can no longer be maintained. “If your inventor even questions the legality, there’s no stopping him,” he told the “Rheinische Post”. “The gas surcharge has to go. The traffic light has to go back to go and the entire building of support and support in the energy crisis has to be rebuilt.”

Habeck expresses doubts

In view of the possible nationalization of Uniper, Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) had previously expressed “doubts about the financial constitution”. Habeck is also said to have indicated that the financing requirements for the gas suppliers are significantly higher than when the first rescue package for Uniper was negotiated. It is becoming increasingly clear that the unstable situation needs “the power and the guarantee of the state as well as all the financial strength of the state” that is necessary, it said. However, the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the final examination and responsibility for the financial constitutional law.

The Federal Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday evening: “There are no legal concerns. Economics Minister Habeck can introduce the gas levy he has proposed as planned.”

Financial constitutional concerns

The economic policy spokesman for the Greens parliamentary group, Dieter Janecek, told the “Rheinische Post”: “Should the federal government be forced in the short term to strive for a majority stake in Uniper with billions more, the majority of the gas buyers’ market will be in state hands as a result.” On the one hand, this creates additional stability in times of crisis.

“At the same time, the Federal Ministry of Finance must now finally and quickly clarify whether a gas surcharge under these circumstances remains unobjectionable from a financial point of view. Alternatively, direct support from budget funds is still a viable option, which we as Greens have never ruled out.”

FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr called for quick clarification from the Minister of Economic Affairs. “Federal Minister of Economics Habeck brought the gas levy into play and I assume that he will soon clarify what consumers have to prepare for. Doing nothing is by no means an option,” he told the “Rheinische Post”. .

Daniel Pokraka, ARD Berlin, with information on the takeover of Uniper by the federal government

daily topics 10:15 p.m., 20.9.2022

Small and medium-sized companies are encroaching on the allocation

The Federal Association of Medium-Sized Businesses (BVMW) is pushing for an end to the levy. It was “knitted with a hot needle and riddled with technical errors” right from the start, said BVMW national chairman Markus Jerger to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

Many companies have only a lack of understanding for the statements on the gas levy from the Federal Ministry of Economics. The head of the association called on the federal government to do more to reduce the price of energy.

The gas surcharge is intended to support importers who get into difficulties because of the high purchase prices. The surcharge for all gas users is currently set at around 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour. According to the current status, the first advance payments should go to companies in November at the earliest. The levy is to be introduced on October 1st.

Uniper before takeover

Philipp Eckstein, ARD Berlin, September 20, 2022 11:31 p.m

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