Energy crisis: SPD boss Klingbeil for improvements to the gas price brake

energy crisis
SPD boss Klingbeil for improvements to the gas price brake

The SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil sees a need for improvement in the planned gas price brake. photo

© Wolfgang Kumm/dpa

The gas price brake should take effect for private households from March. There is more and more criticism that it is too late. The SPD leader Klingbeil now also agrees with this.

The SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil sees a need for improvement in the planned gas price brake. According to Klingbeil, the advance payment in December and subsidies from March next year proposed by the expert commission fall short of the mark: “What are we actually doing in the January/February phase,” Klingbeil asked in an interview with Deutschlandfunk. “Don’t you have to find something to give the companies and, above all, the citizens a little more help,” added the SPD leader questioningly. That will occupy the Bundestag “in short, quick deliberations in November”.

The commission of experts set up by the federal government had proposed a one-off payment in December for private gas customers and small companies based on the advance payment in September. The actual price brake should come in January for industrial companies and for private households and small companies from March if possible, or April at the latest. The Prime Ministers’ Conference had already called on Friday to introduce the gas price brake on January 1st.


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