Energy crisis: Söder warns of “gas triage” – Bavaria

In dramatic words, the CSU and business representatives warn of the consequences of an energy shortage in winter. Prime Minister Söder fears a “gas triage” and at the municipal utility they are already thinking about who to take off the grid first in an emergency.


Deniz Aykanat, Maximilian Gerl, Simone Kamhuber and Johann Osel

It’s not enough “to say, take a cold shower and then we’ll manage,” says Klaus Josef Lutz. He did that in the morning, adds the President of the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK), but now he has to get angry again. It’s about energy, raw materials and, above all, Russian gas when the head of the largest umbrella organization of Bavarian companies appears before the press on Monday after talks with the CSU presidium – and paints a bleak picture: “If we don’t have the appropriate gas supply, talk we may not only talk about short-time work, but also about unemployment.”

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