Energy crisis: “Massive package”: coalition wants targeted relief

energy crisis
“Massive package”: coalition wants targeted relief

The coalition leaders meet in the Federal Chancellery in Berlin to discuss relief. photo

© Christoph Soeder/dpa

Hours of deliberation in the Chancellery – and yet no announcement of results for the time being. Who should be relieved and how? The traffic light coalition makes it exciting.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to announce the results of the coalition consultations on financial relief for citizens in Germany at 11 a.m. today. This was announced by the Chancellery on Sunday night during the ongoing negotiations between the leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP.

The consultations at the government headquarters began on Saturday afternoon. A comprehensive package is planned with targeted relief to compensate for the drastically increased prices in the wake of the Ukraine war. In addition to Scholz (SPD), Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), other cabinet members and the leaders of the three parliamentary groups and parties took part in the negotiations.

At a cabinet meeting in the middle of the week, Scholz had announced a relief package that was “as tailor-made as possible, as efficient as possible, as targeted as possible”. The parliamentary manager of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast, said on Deutschlandfunk on Saturday: “We know that we cannot leave people alone with inflation and rising energy prices.”

For a possible relief package under discussion are, among other things, targeted help for pensioners and students, tax cuts and a successor regulation for the 9-euro local transport ticket. So far, the SPD, Greens and FDP had staked out their partly different positions. Scholz said at the exam in Meseberg near Berlin: “We are working on a large building, and the architecture of this building depends on all the individual parts, but they only make a good construction together.”

Pensioners are not included in the energy flat rate

From the point of view of the SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil, more precise help than before is necessary. “We have to help those who are really in existential need,” he told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Saturday). This also means that high earners suffer losses, “but they can cope with that”. The fact that the pensioners were not included in the energy flat rate of 300 euros was “a mistake”. “It has to be corrected now.”

So far, the electricity price surcharge to promote renewable energies (EEG surcharge) has already been abolished, there is an energy flat rate of 300 euros for all employees and a one-off payment of 100 to 200 euros for all unemployed, child benefit has been increased once by 100 euros per child, three Fuel prices were supported for months up to August, and there was a 9-euro ticket for local public transport for the months of June, July and August.

According to their own statements, unions, the left and the AfD may want to call on dissatisfied people to protest in the fall. IG Metall Chairman Jörg Hofmann told the German Press Agency: “It’s about no less than the question of whether it will be possible to relieve the burden on citizens effectively and understandably, or whether the growing uncertainty will lead to a break in social cohesion leads.”


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