Energy crisis: CDU criticizes traffic light relief package as insufficient

energy crisis
CDU criticizes traffic light relief package as insufficient

On Sunday, the traffic light presented a new relief package of 65 billion euros. The package does not do justice to the crisis, the CDU now says – and points to the burden on the middle of society.

The CDU has criticized the further steps planned by the traffic light coalition to cushion the rise in energy prices as insufficient.

The package does not do justice to the crisis, said CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja on Monday in Berlin. A relief for normal earners in the middle of society has not been achieved, not even for medium-sized companies. In view of an impending energy shortage, there were also no statements about the offer, such as an extension of the use of nuclear power.

The leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP presented a third relief package with a total volume of 65 billion euros on Sunday. This includes that a lower price should apply for a basic consumption of electricity.

On the economic situation, a key proposal from the board of directors is to be presented this Friday and Saturday at the CDU party conference in Hanover. Czaja reiterated the demand for an end to the planned gas levy, which was socially unfair. There is concern that it will be “a rage winter”.

At the party conference, the CDU also wants to discuss several organizational changes that should contribute to the renewal of the party. Among other things, a “Charter of Fundamental Values” is to be decided on the way to a new basic program. A compromise proposal for a quota for women is to be voted on. Partial digital committee meetings are also being sought. This should enable young fathers and mothers to participate from home, explained Czaja.

The function of a deputy general secretary is to be included in the party statutes. At the suggestion of party leader Friedrich Merz, Christina Stumpp, member of the Bundestag, is to be elected to this position.


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