Energy costs: Federal Network Agency: Increase discounts for private gas users

energy costs
Federal Network Agency: Increase discounts for private gas users

Flames can be seen on a gas stove. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

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When it comes to saving energy, politicians rely primarily on appeals to consumers. The President of the Federal Network Agency now has his own proposal as to how gas consumption could be reduced.

The President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, has spoken out in favor of increasing deductions for gas users now. Private households should not be confronted with the rising costs too late, said Müller of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”.

“Many households will only notice when they pay their heating bills next year how much the price has risen and cannot cope with the additional payments,” he fears. When dealing with gas shortages, price signals such as higher discounts are more effective than appeals to do without.

Müller also criticized the expectation that his authority should now determine the order in which the industry should turn off the gas tap in an emergency. “It won’t work,” he said. Too many boundary conditions are open for this.

The war in Ukraine has increased the risk that Russia could cut off gas supplies. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) therefore announced the early warning level of the gas emergency plan on Wednesday. At a later stage, the Federal Network Agency would have to decide whether to switch off gas users.


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