Energy company: Gazprom is once again throttling gas deliveries through the Baltic Sea pipeline

energy company
Gazprom is once again throttling gas supplies through the Baltic Sea pipeline

The Russian energy group Gazprom is again reducing the gas delivery volumes through the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 to Germany. Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A throttling of around 60 percent within two days: Gazprom is once again reducing the gas supply to Germany. The Russian state company argues with repair work.

The Russian energy group Gazprom is again reducing the gas delivery volumes through the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 to Germany. Gazprom had announced that from Thursday night only a maximum of 67 million cubic meters would be pumped through the pipeline every day.

The state-owned company once again justified this step with delays in repair work. Gazprom had already announced on Tuesday that it would reduce the previously planned daily volume by around 40 percent from 167 million to 100 million cubic meters of gas per day and pointed to delays in the repair of gas compressors.

The energy technology group Siemens Energy then announced that a gas turbine overhauled in Canada could not currently be returned from Montréal due to the Russian sanctions. The recent reduction to 67 million cubic meters means a throttling of around 60 percent within two days.

Habeck: Russia wants to stir up trouble

According to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck, Russia wants to cause unrest with the delivery cuts. «The reason given by the Russian side is simply pretended. It is obviously the strategy to unsettle and drive up prices, »said the Green politician. The quantities could currently be procured on the market, albeit at high prices. It is currently still being saved: “The security of supply is guaranteed.” The gas storage facilities in Germany were recently about 56 percent full.

For Germany, Nord Stream 1 is the main supply pipeline with Russian gas. The Yamal-Europe line, which runs through Poland, had previously not been filled. The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is also reduced. Energy prices have increased as a result of the previous restrictions, among other things, because less gas flows from Russia to Europe overall.


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