Endless emails could soon be “reduced” by artificial intelligence

We have all received emails so long that we no longer even know what they are talking about once we have read them… Well Google seems to have understood the “problem” and is preparing to entrust Gemini, its IA-house, the care of summarizing these paving stones, reports Numerama.

Spotted by Android Central, a new experimental feature called “summarize this email” has appeared in some GMail apps on Android; the service had also been reported on X (formerly Twitter) a few days earlier, specifies Numerama.

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A new AI “talent”

At a time when many are worried about the growing influence of artificial intelligence in our lives and its impact on certain professions, this type of service seems rather harmless – apart from the fact that Google can read our emails, this which is already proven – and, let’s admit it, rather practical…

It is, in any case, part of the dynamic of “growing links” between Google and artificial intelligence. GMail has already benefited from this via the Google Workspace Labsan experimentation space in which the summary function of a discussion thread (and not an email) has already been successfully tested, recalls Numerama.

Towards the end of keyboards?

Better – or worse? Google announced, on March 14, 2023, the arrival of new AI-boosted features in its Workspace office suite… and among these, the Mountain View firm planned a tool capable of letting artificial intelligence write emails for us.

Our “Artificial Intelligence” file

At this rate, there is no doubt that we will end up, in the perhaps not so distant future, by abandoning our good old keyboards and simply dictating our emails, choosing their recipients and programming their sending via an AI.

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