End of garbage collectors’ strike, FO calls to return to work

End of the garbage collectors’ strike in Marseille. After two weeks of a third strike in four months, the metropolis and the FO union seem to have reached an agreement. If the working time remains unchanged compared to the agreements of last December 14 (6h20 per day, including 5 hours behind the dumpster for the rippers), it was agreed to a revaluation of the compensation grid “such as to compensate for the inflation,” explained Yves Moraine, in charge of negotiations. “A floor revaluation of 40 euros monthly”, specified the metropolitan councilor. A harmonization of wages in the different territories is also on the agenda. Something new in Marseilles, all this was written, and not agreed orally, as was customary.

Concretely, these revaluations will be addressed in detail from March 1, within the framework of the mandatory three-year negotiations. A “real breakthrough”, estimated FO. There were 17 strikers left yesterday (and 200 sick leaves) according to the city, which does not want to talk about victory.

The community estimates that it will take a week to see streets without litter bins. In addition, the prefecture has not yet reacted to the agreement of December 14 which provides for a reduction in working time of 15% compared to the obligation to apply 35 hours in the territorial public service. , the initial source of the conflict.

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