Employers want to see their contributions drop below “4%”

The employers want to contribute less. As part of negotiations on a new unemployment insurance agreement, employers’ organizations requested on Wednesday a reduction in their contributions to Unédic.

“We asked for a reduction in contributions to arrive at (a rate of) less than 4%”, against 4.05% currently, declared Medef negotiator Hubert Mongon, who also spoke on behalf of the two other employers’ organizations. , CPME and U2P (artisans and liberal professions).

A significant shortfall for Unédic

In addition to this reduction in contributions, employers also intend to put an end to a temporary contribution of 0.05 points, decided in 2017, to finance the needs of the AGS salary guarantee scheme, which is increasing sharply with the rise in bankruptcies of businesses. These two reductions in contributions, a total of 0.1 point on the payroll, would represent a shortfall of around 710 million euros for unemployment insurance in 2023.

The employers also want to “adjust the bonus-malus system” on contributions, established to penalize companies which use more short contracts than the average within the same branch, according to a document presented to the union organizations. The government, on the other hand, warned in its framework letter sent on August 1 to the social partners that it would not agree to call it into question.

The union organizations considered the document presented by the employer side to be unbalanced. The CFDT thus considers that currently, “there are surpluses which must be used to improve the rights” of the unemployed. “Everything that is proposed corresponds to reductions in rights” and “there is no revenue component”, for his part criticized Eric Courpotin, the CFTC negotiator.

Negotiations until November 10

Among the measures which would lead to reductions in rights for the unemployed, employers would like to shift the age limits for longer durations of compensation for the oldest unemployed. “We are ready to seek an agreement provided that there is not a single reduction in rights and that there are improvements on the minimum allocations, on the threshold for opening rights which must be lowered” with “at least a return to four months” worked against six currently, explained CGT negotiator Denis Gravouil.

The latter also sees “positive points” on the financing aspect, with the common desire of unions and employers to limit the financing of Pôle emploi to 11% of Unédic revenues, compared to 12% to 13% envisaged by the executive by 2026.

Bilateral meetings between Medef and each of the five trade union organizations are planned before the last two negotiating sessions on November 9 and 10. There is still “a lot of work before we have a proper agreement,” said Force Ouvrière negotiator Michel Beaugas, who nonetheless wants to be “optimistic.”

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