Employees in daycare centers feel ignored by politics – Bavaria

Representatives of Bavarian daycare associations have expressed massive criticism of the policy. The employees have felt disrespected and ignored by those in charge for decades, was the conclusion on Sunday at an event with specialists and state politicians from the Association of Kita Specialists in Bavaria. They are tired of the state, federal and local governments shifting responsibility to each other.

“Above all, daycare professionals want more staff, smaller groups and better financing of their work, as well as higher wages,” emphasized the managing director of the Catholic Workers’ Movement in Munich and Freising, Sibylle Schuster. “It became very clear that at the same time the educational quality in the daycare centers must increase again. A purely numerical increase in staff numbers ignores the problem.”

The chairwoman of the Kita Skilled Workers Association, Veronika Lindner, also criticized the fact that state politics should not focus on recruiting new skilled workers, but must also take the needs of existing skilled workers into account – so that they do not become overworked and losing quality left the system frustrated. The daycare centers in the Free State are chronically underfunded.

A concrete suggestion to state politicians is an improved employment key, in which daycare center managers are not included. The specialist staff also needs to be supported even more by administrative and assistant staff, who should not be counted as skilled workers in the personnel ratio, demanded Schuster. According to the information, Melanie Huml (CSU) and Doris Rauscher (SPD), both members of the Social Committee of the Bavarian State Parliament, as well as the Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze, took part in the event.

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