Emmanuel Macron will speak on Sunday in the “20 Hours” of TF1

An exclusivity for TF1. This Sunday, Emmanuel Macron will give an interview to journalist Alison Tassin on the situation in Afghanistan and in the region, and its repercussions in France. This interview will be to discover in the television news of 20 hours presented by Anne-Claire Coudray.

“As part of his trip to Iraq this weekend for a regional summit co-organized by France around stability and terrorism, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron will give an exclusive interview to TF1 on site,” the channel announced in a statement. The interview with the Head of State will take place from Erbil, the capital of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Strengthen the role of France in the region

During the regional conference which opened this Saturday in Baghdad, the President of the Republic wants to show that France retains a role in the region, continues the fight against terrorism and supports Iraq’s mediation efforts, ” pivotal country, essential to the stability of the Middle East, ”explains the Elysee.

He will travel to Iraqi Kurdistan on Sunday, where he will salute the struggle of the Kurds against ISIS, then to Mosul, a symbol of victory against the radical group that occupied it from 2014 to 2017.

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