Emmanuel Macron will not be legitimate if he is elected without campaigning, according to Larcher

“The President of the Republic wants to be re-elected without ever having been a real candidate, without a campaign, without a debate, without a confrontation of ideas. All the candidates are debating except him. It’s a paradox! “, said Gérard Larcher in an interview with Le Figaro published this Tuesday. President LR of the Senate affirmed that “the question of the legitimacy of the winner will arise”, if there is no campaign.

According to him, Emmanuel Macron “probably does not want to confront his balance sheet with the realities”, believing that “our fractured, indebted country and faced with multiple problems needs this debate”.

The government disputes

“We are doing everything so that there is a campaign”, reacted government spokesman Gabriel Attal on France 2, recalling that Emmanuel Macron must present his project on Thursday during a “three-hour” press conference. for a second five-year term. “As soon as he can”, the Head of State “takes part in this campaign”, he affirmed, “but I do not hear French people asking him to desert his functions as President for a when, as we see in the news, obviously we need a president who continues to act and protect the French”.

Gérard Larcher affirmed for his part that “this legitimacy will be more than necessary in the face of the economic challenges that arise, the major risks of inflation, the tensions on purchasing power, the unaddressed questions in terms of order, security and immigration”, he continued, predicting a “very difficult” next five-year term. “Whatever it takes cannot turn into whatever happens. It will take a five-year period of truth, ”he warned.

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