Emmanuel Macron Thursday at 3 p.m. in Belfort for an important speech on the energy component of “France 2030”

The news fell during the noon hour on the Élysée site, formalizing the information that we gave last Thursday on our site: Emmanuel Macron will come to Belfort on Thursday February 10, for what will be his first visit to this department as Head of State.

While he is in Russia this Monday, February 7, then will go to Ukraine on Tuesday, with a large international component on the menu and a role of mediator that he intends to play between the two countries, it is therefore on a national component that he will continue his week. Against the backdrop of issues of industrial and energy sovereignty.

The CEO of EDF may also be present

This Thursday, in Belfort, Emmanuel Macron will come to officially announce the takeover of the nuclear branch of General Electric by EDF, who could be acted this monday evening after a meeting of EDF’s board of directors. An extremely sensitive and symbolic file for the Head of State who, in 2015, had favored, with his costume as Minister of the Economy, the takeover of this entity from Alstom by the American giant… with the social damage that the we have known since (1,200 jobs cut in Belfort).

The President of the Republic will be present in the city of the Lion for a few hours. The huge hot spot of his visit will take place, according to our information, at 3 p.m., when he will deliver a speech from the premises of General Electric Steam Power on the “energy component of the France 2030 program”. Belfort could thus serve as a setting for important announcements on a national scale, even if the takeover by EDF of the nuclear branch of GE should obviously be mentioned.

Many demonstrators ready to reserve a “welcome committee” for him

Not sure, for the time being, that Emmanuel Macron will have the time to visit other companies in the Territoire de Belfort, as has been envisaged, but it remains an option. Many demonstrators should also be present on this occasion to reserve a “welcome committee” for him, the preparations having been launched last Thursday at the level of the trade unions but also of the anti-pass demonstrators.

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The “big boss” of General Electric will not be present

Still according to our sources, Larry Culp, the “big boss” of General Electric, present in France to sign this agreement, will not be part of Belfort. On the other hand, the arrival of the CEO of EDF, Jean-Bernard Lévy, is seriously considered. Information that will be confirmed in the coming hours, as will the exact program (and landing place) of a presidential visit that promises to be highly publicized while Emmanuel Macron will certainly make, in Belfort, one of his last official outings before his probable declaration of presidential candidacy next April.

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