Emmanuel Macron the “biggest emitters” of CO2 behind on their commitments to “raise their ambitions”

Emmanuel Macron raises his voice. The President of the Republic called on Monday the countries “biggest emitters” of CO2, behind on their commitments, to “increase their ambitions within 15 days” of the COP26, alluding to Russia and China that he has already cited Sunday.

“The key for the next 15 days, here in our COP, is that the largest issuers whose national strategies are not in line with our 1.5 degree objective will raise their ambitions in the next 15 days, it is the the only way to make our strategy more credible, ”he said.

For Biden, an “incredible opportunity”

For his part, US President Joe Biden explained that the intense efforts needed to fight climate change represent an “incredible opportunity” for the global economy.

“Amid the growing catastrophe, I think there is an incredible opportunity, not just for the United States, but for all of us,” he said, addressing world leaders gathered for a summit. two days as part of the major UN climate conference, considered key to containing global warming.

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