Emmanuel Macron says he will take care of it “when the masks fall”

Visiting this Friday at the agricultural fair “Terres de Jim” in Corbières-en-Provence, Emmanuel Macron was questioned by a farmer on the pension reform. “We will do that when we take off the masks,” replied the President of the Republic. “We will have to move anyway. After that, you shouldn’t do it right away, ”he added, in the midst of the crowd. “It will have to be done while listening to everyone. And then there, we have other priorities, anyway ”, with the Covid epidemic and the economic recovery to be carried out, estimated the Head of State.

“Do not worry about all that”, he insisted, “we have to be intelligent collectively” to “find the right system to save our pensions. “If we tell each other the truth, we live longer and longer, we study longer and longer. And who finances the pensions? It’s the people who work. How are we going to get the same pensions? », He insisted. “We must find the right system to keep pensions” but “not ask impossible things of people who work”, he concluded.

Conditions “still not met”

Prime Minister Jean Castex declared on Wednesday, at the end of a government seminar chaired by Emmanuel Macron, that the conditions for relaunching the pension reform – pandemic under control and solid economic recovery – were “to date still not met ”.

Even if this reform “is an absolute necessity” to restore the balance of the system, “we have the imperative duty to promote as much as possible the unity of the country”, he added, in allusion to the opposition of the trade unions and reluctance on this reform even in the ranks of the majority, a few months before the 2022 presidential election.

The hypothesis of a revival of the pension reform had resurfaced on Monday through an article in the newspaper The echoes according to which Emmanuel Macron intends to “remove the special pension schemes and establish the minimum pension at 1,000 euros” before the end of his mandate.

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