Emmanuel Macron says he is “at the disposal of the inter-union”, but not immediately

French President Emmanuel Macron said this Friday “at the disposal of the inter-union” once the Constitutional Council has rendered its decision on the pension reform. “I indicated our availability to move forward on subjects such as professional wear and tear, career endings, retraining, career development, working conditions, remuneration in certain branches”, detailed the head of the department. State at a press conference in Brussels.

“And so I am at the disposal of the intersyndicale if they wish to come and meet me to make progress on all these subjects. For the rest and the pension reform, it is before the Constitutional Council and it is obvious that we will await the decision of the Constitutional Council”. But “the country cannot be at a standstill”, “we continue to move forward”, also declared Emmanuel Macron.

Charles III retreats

The Head of State also took the opportunity to speak for the first time on the postponement of Charles III’s visit to France this weekend. Emmanuel Macron says he has proposed that “at the beginning of the summer”, a new date for the visit of the King of England could “be fixed”, after the postponement of his trip due to the demonstrations against the pension reform.

According to him, “common sense and friendship lead us to propose a postponement”, and “we would not be serious and we would lack a certain common sense” to “propose a visit in the middle of the demonstrations”.

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