Emmanuel Macron responds to the young people of “Crayon” a few days before the election

Europe, youth and democracy. Here are the themes that will be addressed by Emmanuel Macron in a video interview of around twenty minutes broadcast on the YouTube channel of Pencil this Tuesday at 6 p.m., the media confirms 20 minutes. The President of the Republic thus decides to address young people via this “first youth debate media”, as he describes himself, probably to encourage them to go and vote next Sunday.

The Head of State responded last Friday to questions from the online media via video followed by some 278,000 subscribers, specifies RTL. This interview will also be broadcast in the form of extracts on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, adds the radio. “Le Crayon” is a media that “dares to bring together”, according to its slogan and “gives pride of place to extreme ideas (…) by cultivating the premium on radicalism”, according to France Culture.

Media occupation

Emmanuel Macron and his government are imposing themselves on the media scene a few days before the European electoral deadline. YouTuber Gaspard G. already landed his presidential interview last week while the Head of State will be interviewed on Thursday evening on the news of TF1 and France 2 from Caen (Calvados), on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Landing.

On Monday, it was Prime Minister Gabriel Attal who made a surprise burst into the auditorium of the Maison de la Radio to support the Renaissance candidate, Valérie Hayer.

A certain media occupation which irritates the oppositions, demanding that Arcom deduct from the speaking time of the list led by the candidate Renaissance, the entire speaking time of Emmanuel Macron.

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