Emmanuel Macron participates in a virtual meeting with members of the European Union and NATO

Here we go again for a great discussion. French President Emmanuel Macron will take part in a videoconference this Monday afternoon “in order to continue the close coordination between allies and European partners”.

Announced by the Elysée, the meeting will bring together German, Italian, American, Canadian, Japanese, Polish and Romanian leaders, as well as representatives of the EU and NATO.

“European economic sovereignty”

Emmanuel Macron will then welcome German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen to the Elysée for a working dinner.

Representatives of European industrialists will also be present to discuss “the issues of European economic sovereignty, including in view of the events in Ukraine”, added the French presidency.

A program focused on Ukraine

The main part of Emmanuel Macron’s program for the day will be devoted to the crisis since he is bringing together a defense and security council from 11 a.m., before meeting with Prime Minister Jean Castex.

At 3 p.m., he will receive the President of Georgia, Salomé Zurabishvili, “to discuss the issues of regional stability in the context of the war in Ukraine”, according to the Elysée. Emmanuel Macron had already spoken with her by telephone on Saturday, then affirming his “determination to support the partners of the eastern neighborhood” of the EU “against any attempt at tension and destabilization”.

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