Emmanuel Macron is gaining ground on his competitors as 2022 approaches

After the remarkable breakthrough of Valérie Pécresse in the aftermath of her victory at the LR congress, the Republican candidate sees her dynamic stabilize according to the latest polls published by the various institutes. On the other hand, if Emmanuel Macron qualified for the second round, he would be a winner, whether his opponent was the candidate from the right, Eric Zemmour or Marine Le Pen.

Voting intentions in the first round of the 2022 presidential election

According to the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive, Elabe and Ifop, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour both bear the brunt of the enthronement of Valérie Pécresse as a candidate for the Republicans. Indeed, the latter is announced qualified in the second round by all of these institutes.

Emmanuel Macron, for his part, remains firmly attached to the first place, collecting about a quarter of the voting intentions.

Behind, Jean-Luc Mélenchon seems to benefit from a renewed interest, he exceeds for the first time the 10% mark in the latest projection published by Elabe.

We present to you by default the latest polls published by Elabe, by clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron against Valérie Pécresse

In the event of a second round between the outgoing President and the Republican candidate, the gap would remain extremely narrow between the two candidates. Emmanuel Macron would have an advantage of only 2 points according to the pollsters.

We present to you by default the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive, by clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen

Emmanuel Macron is currently enjoying a favorable dynamic against the candidate of the National Rally. Indeed, this is only credited with 43 to 44% of the voting intentions according to Ifop-Fiducial and Harris Interactive.

We present to you by default the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive, by clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron opposed to Eric Zemmour

Same observation for Eric Zemmour: Emmanuel Macron continues to distance the candidate of the Reconquest movement. The outgoing President is currently credited with 62% of voting intentions according to Harris-Interactive, and even 67% according to Elabe.

We present to you by default the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive, by clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

To learn more about the polls featured here, check out our sources below:

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